Way Project – 5th Virtual Coordinators meeting

5th online coordinators meeting of WAY program
An online meeting on the European WAY project took place on 23/11/2021 at 15.00 CEST, where important decisions were taken regarding the progress of the program’s tasks as well as the live meetings. More specifically it was decided:

– send the interim evaluation of the program to the coordinator by the end of November

– the date of a live meeting in Portugal for teacher training

– the date of the meeting of the members of the program in Poland

– drafting guidelines – needs analysis, and setting up discussion – reflexion groups in order to expand in depth the elements that should be reflected in the article to be published – IO1

– launching an investigation into a research methodology for completing IO2 delivery

– updating the website and through social networking with the news of the program

– updating the project delivery schedule and deliverables based on scheduled live appointments